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Awakening Ministries Event

A community revival with Rev. Brent Spry

Church Singing

Church Singing 10-10-14

A night of singing, sharing and testimonies.

Homecoming 2014

The Montgomery Family

Come join us on August 17th @ 10:00 AM for Homecoming. Rev. Bob Whitaker will be our guest speaker, and The Montgomery Family will be bringing special music. Lunch will follow the service.

"A Call to Cooleemee" web-site

"A Call to Cooleemee" is a local missions outreach to the town of Cooleemee, NC. This event will take place on Aug. 10-12. Please click the link below to visit the web-site and see what is happening!

"Declaration" and "Risen Son" in Concert

Declaration and Risen Son in Concert

"Declaration" and "Risen Son" in Concert July 27th @ 6:30 PM

Summer Worship Schedule

There will be NO PM Worship Services or activities on Sunday nights during the month of August, except for special events. Sunday night services will resume in September.

Patriotic Service

Patriotic Service 6-29-14

June 29th, 2014 @ 10:30 AM

Easter Sunday School & Morning Worship Schedule

Note the change in times for Sunday School and Morning Worship

Human Trafficking Seminar

Human Trafficking Seminar

Seminar presented by Deidra Helms from the Family Crisis Council.

"The King is Coming"

The King is Coming

Cantata presented by the JBC Choir and Drama Team


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