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Christians Actively Reaching Everyone

C.A.R.E. is a method by which the members of Jerusalem Baptist Church show Jesus's love and compassion to other members and the community. Teams meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month to pray, visit, phone, and write to those who have needs or need encouragement.

We have two teams that meet once per month each. Members may come on the other nights as well if they wish.

On each Tuesday night, people will be praying for prayer requests that have been turned in to the ministry. Others will be writing cards and letters to people who need encouragement, have had birthdays or anniversaries, or have missed Sunday School. Some may go out on visits. Others may be calling members or the community. The total focus of the ministry is to show that we CARE.

If you know of a need that can be meet by this ministry, please fill out the form below.
Your Name and E-Mail fields are required.

Person Needing Care

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