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New Sermon Series

Isaiah 53:6

Shine On

Luke 11:3

Homecoming 2017

Everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you!

Proverbs 25:11

A Call to Cooleemee 2017

Local churches working together to show Christ's love to the town of Cooleemee

Matthew 7:26

Psalm 124:8

Do You Know Your Spiritual Gift?

Every person who has accepted Christ as Savior has been given a spiritual gift. This gift is to benefit God's Kingdom, and every believer has at least one. Do you know what your gift is? Would you like to find out? JBC has a "tool" on this web-site that can help point you in the right direction. Look under the "Discipleship" tab for "Other Resources", and look for the "Spiritual Gifts Inventory". It is super-easy to do and can help you discover your God-given gift!


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